Turning a Walk into a Run

It has been over two months since I injured my back and I have managed to make progress, although it has been minimal.  Each day I awake with the hope that when my feet touch the ground I will feel “normal,” whatever that even means anymore.  Each day my patience is tested over and over,Continue reading “Turning a Walk into a Run”

Dealing With Your Running Injury

An injury humbles you to the core.  It renders you powerless and transforms you into a spectator.  It is the water to your fire; the frown to your smile.  It is the antithesis of forward progression; the unexpected halt in training.  It tests your patience and attempts to shake your resolve.  It is a timeContinue reading “Dealing With Your Running Injury”

Etch A Run

Last night I started playing with an old pocket Etch A Sketch I had sitting on a book shelf.  I stared at it for a while before shaking loose the picture I had drawn a year before.  I wouldn’t say my drawing was perfect, but nonetheless it was a drawing.  Growing up I never reallyContinue reading “Etch A Run”

Get Busy Running or Get Busy Standing

One of the most memorable movie lines of all time, at least to me, is from The Shawshank Redemption when Andy says to Red, “I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really.  Get busy living or get busy dying.”  I remember when I first heard it I thought, “Wow, that really is aContinue reading “Get Busy Running or Get Busy Standing”

In A World of Walkers, I’m A Runner

Last Sunday my wife and I took a stroll in the park.  For the first time in months we walked upon the concrete paths that have been associated with our training runs for so long.  We saw the trees swaying softly to the tune of the wind, as children’s laughter filled the air.  We heardContinue reading “In A World of Walkers, I’m A Runner”

Enjoy the Process

There are many of you out there who are probably in the process of training for your first half marathon or marathon.  You are likely in the middle of your journey, or maybe even nearing the end, and you cannot wait until it’s all over.  You are looking forward to accomplishing your goal and drapingContinue reading “Enjoy the Process”

Every Single Time I Do, I Am Grateful I Did

Running, or rather, any form of exercise, has become a necessity in my life.  I don’t always enjoy the blood, sweat and tears of it all.  Sometimes, I downright despise it.  But, when all is done and I am standing there wiping away the sweat from my eyes, I realize how important it all isContinue reading “Every Single Time I Do, I Am Grateful I Did”

Commit Yourself to Greatness

I once thought I would never run a full marathon.  Actually, I once thought I would never even run a 10K.  To be honest, I have never run a 10K to this day, because, well, I committed myself to something more.  I learned after my first couple of 5K’s that I was capable of anythingContinue reading “Commit Yourself to Greatness”

Runner…You Are Not Alone

When I began this running site it was a way to keep me focused on my goal of running my first half marathon.  Over time it has developed into something much more.  It has manifested itself into a place where beginning runners seek validation or motivation.  It has also become a place where those whoContinue reading “Runner…You Are Not Alone”

Run The World

People often try to separate themselves from the world, but I think it’s imperative that we become an integral part of it.  Let the world happen around you and then find a way to merge yourself into it.  The problem is that the world can exist without us, but we can’t exist without the world. Continue reading “Run The World”